
Hi there! I am excited to be on this journey with you. My name is Angie. I am in my 30s (thank goodness!), single, successful, homeowner and pet mom. I am a question-asker, a philosophizer, and an aspiring altruist. I am rarely wrong and I am rarely right; I am often inquisitive. I can be feisty, lazy, and ridiculous. I love ice cream and nachos more than I care to admit.

All of that to say – I am no expert on life. This blog is meant to be a conversation and inspire growth.

Kokoro is Japanese for “mind” but means so much more than that. It is really the connectivity of the mind, body and soul. It encompasses your mental space and strength, emotions, Qi, conscience, center of being. Your kokoro is elementally you.

This blog explores the tripodal balancing of these three elements. I welcome you to join me in this journey of exploration and temperance. You will notice that the blog is organized under this trifecta:

MIND: my work feeds my mind. I am an accountant by trade and a finance professional. I like talking about business, from the technical to the social to the changing dynamic of the business community.

BODY: yoga and delicious food feed my body. I was a dancer until 19, started running shortly thereafter, and then FINALLY found yoga at 31 thanks to my lovely sister. When I have time, you will also find me in the kitchen, usually cooking up something to share with the people I care about the most.

SOUL: my soul feeds on travel and books (and my dog, Camo!). Shouldn’t the mind consume books, you ask? Not for this girl. Books literally excite my insides. My traveling tradition is to visit a local new or used bookstore everywhere I go where I usually buy <too many> books.

This blog will combine all the elements. You will find philosophical musings, travel stories, book reviews, recipes, and shop talk all here in one place! Don’t like a topic? No problem, skip over anything that doesn’t feed your own personal tripod.

I am excited to embark on this adventure throughout 2018, and even more excited that you are joining me.
